A Rock facebookon jelentette be, hogy David Hasselhoff szerepelni fog a Baywatch filmben. Kár, hogy nem olyasmi meglepetés, mint Depp volt a 21 Jump Streetben, de mindegy, a Hoff “born ready” erre a filmre. Videó a tovább mögött.
"I WAS BORN READY!" Pleasure to officially welcome the original #BAYWATCH gangsta himself David Hasselhoff to our movie! #BAYWATCH is the most successful TV show of all time and from the day we announced we were turning it into a movie, "The Hoff" has been our greatest supporter. Especially once he knew our RATED R movie was going to be a combination of AVENGERS meets ANCHORMAN….Hoff's a cool dude who's down to have fun and here's the best part.. He's been training his ass off and gotten in the best shape he's been in in years! (cue slo-mo running and glistening chest hair.. wait, why the f*ck am I even thinking about Hoff's chest hair!?) World get ready.. #RockAndHoff #ThereAintNoBay #WithoutTheHoff
Posted by Dwayne The Rock Johnson on Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Nagyon helyes!
Hála az égnek. :D
Be is b@szott volna, ha nem… :D