Itt egy új trailer, méghozzá 4k minőségben! Release is van végre ilyen felbontásban.
Elvileg Keanu Reeves és a rendező Francis Lawrence is megerősítette, hogy lesz folytatás. Utóbbi ezt mondta:
I’d say more than any of my other movies, Constantine has been something that I felt like was really worthy of a sequel. There is a world that you can really explore and there’s a character that we certainly loved and really wanted to explore. When the movie first came out, it didn’t feel like, ‘Oh, wow, the world is embracing our version of Constantine.’ There was a lot of criticism that we didn’t have the blonde English version of him, and that Keanu was wrong for it, and all those kinds of things. And I think that sort of opinion has really swung around and changed, but we always really loved the world and we always wanted to do a sequel.
Ja és R besorolású lesz, ha megvalósíul.
Na akkor ezek szerint mar 20 eve halogatom, hogy megnezzem 😀. Megvolt DVD-n, de sose neztem meg. Jo film?
nezd meg es meglatod
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