“Daddy loves you sweetie, but I gots to stomp you at the box office.”

LOL. Will Smith a Hancockkal a lánya filmje, a Kit Kittredge: An American Girl ellen fog küzdeni

his 7-year-old daughter Willow’s film Kit Kittredge: An American Girl opens wide against his Hancock in U.S. theaters on the same day (July 2nd). Said Will, “I told her, ‘Daddy loves you sweetie, but I gots to stomp you at the box office.’ ” Then Dave snarked, “I’ve got a son, but even I know that American Girl thing is very popular.” But Willow was quoted as saying a few days earlier about her Dad, “He thinks he is going to be beat me, but I think not. I think I am going to beat him.” – innen

Kár, hogy a Hancock nem lesz az igazi, a reklámkampányuk mára teljesen letört. A Sabotage-nál kellett volna abbahagyniuk.

2008. 06. 24. 21:12

3 hozzászólás a ““Daddy loves you sweetie, but I gots to stomp you at the box office.”” bejegyzéshez

  1. Akkor ugye nem mutatták most be ezt a filmet 5 moziban?:)És nem is hozott 220.000 dollárt?:)

  2. akkor ugye nem most lesz mindkettő wide release, ahogy a szövegben van…

    nem tom minek kell okoskodni

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